Holy Trinity (Respiratory System Tea)
This powerful one of a kind herbal tisane is proven to get functional results.
Specially formulated to loosen, liquefy and expectorate mucus within the body especially in the sinuses, bronchial pathways and anywhere else that it may reside.
Removal of mucus/phlegm is going to happen drinking our blend.
Effects can be felt immediately.
Benefits include but are not limited to...
Decrease throat goiter, neck, cranial size.
Better experiences during exposure to any allergens.
Decongestant of the upper respiratory system.
Eye drainage may occur
Ear drainage may occur
Nose drainage may occur
Must have for anyone who seeks to exhale and inhale fully without stagnant obstructions within the body.
Shipped in protective mylar packaging to protect freshness.
100% wildcrafted/organic and/or sustainably harvested herbs utilized.
No preservatives or fillers.
Ingredients include Wild Cherry Bark, White Oak Bark, Burdock Root and more.